Thursday, January 30, 2020

Outline and evaluate Essay Example for Free

Outline and evaluate Essay Outline and evaluate the view that the role of youth culture is to assist in the transition from childhood to adulthood (33 marks) The view that youth culture is a transitory phase is a functionalist idea which comes under the process of social integration where individuals become integrated into different social groups so they have a sense of belonging. Parsons (1954), argued that youth culture provides a bridge from childhood to adulthood by enabling young people to become more independent and detached from their parents. This takes the view of youth culture being a ‘rite of passage’. Eisenstadt (1956) suggested youth culture bound young people together and formed a sense of community stemming from a shared way of life. There are some criticisms of the functionalist approach such as the emphasis of shared features which means they ignore the differences between youth subcultures, a Marxist would argue these differences are important and cannot be ignored. Another argument against functionalism would the focus on age specific groups which misses an opportunity to look at youth as a state of mind able to be felt by anyone regardless of age. Marxists pay more attention to subcultures than functionalists and their theories are associated with the CCCS. The CCCS is considered neo-Marxist and their view of youth subcultures is that they are a product of structural explanations such as the economy and social class rather than general explanations such as age. Hall and Jefferson (1976) believed youth subcultures are a form of resistance to the ‘crisis of capitalism’. Through adopting a subcultural style youths were able to reject the dominant culture. Clarke (1976), who studied skinhead culture, believed that through the subculture they were able to exaggerate their working class background and hold on to tradition in the face of the extinction of working class communities. Brake (1980) suggested youth subcultures provide ‘magical’ solutions by providing safety from problems and an opportunity to express freedom and new ideas. The subculture allows them to convince themselves they will be able to solve the problems of their time but the solutions aren’t able to be sustained in reality, thus the reason they are referred to as magical. Marxists are accused of ignoring the involvement of girls in subcultural groups and issues of ethnic identity. There is also an assumption in the CCCS work that most youths joined subcultures which is debateable as it is possible many were ‘ordinary youths’. The CCCS are also criticised of looking too far into the reasons why youths join subcultures, perhaps many of them joined just for fun. There have also been accusations of Marxists ignoring the role of the media in the formation of youth subcultures. The main argument feminists make is that other approaches largely ignore the role of females in subcultures. McRobbie and Garber (1976) were critical of the work the CCCS for this reason. Their research on female subcultures identified a ‘Bedroom culture’ which features included experimenting with make-up and hairstyles, discussing boys and magazines. There are few studies of all-girl subcultures but one that has been in the USA are the ‘Riot Grrrls’ who use powerful image forms of communication to display their anger and feelings of oppression. The feminist view focuses mainly on gender related issues and has been criticised for this but this approach seems to suggest the role of youth culture for girls, in the case of bedroom culture, is to share information about their personal life and gain advice to help them through the transitional phase and in the case of the Riot Grrrls to express themselves and challenge the dominant culture which is perceived to be male oriented. Postmodernists believe that youth style has become increasingly fragmented over the years. They argue that shared attachments are not the norm in the UK as youth styles are viewed as fluid changeable and eclectic. Bennett (1999) called these fluid and complex youth styles ‘Neo-tribes’. People can move in and out of these neo-tribes over time which reflects the transitory nature of youth. An example of a neo-tribe would be club culture. Polemus (1997) noted the ‘supermarket of style’ available to youths. They are able to choose from different fashions, music tastes and identities and mix them together to form their own. Postmodernist views have been criticised as there are still examples of subcultures in the present day such as goths or emos. The idea of fluidity may also be overstated as most young people don’t move in and out of neo-tribes over long periods of time. In conclusion, all of the approaches in a sense agree with youth culture being part of becoming an adult through increased independence and self-expression. It involves young people exploring their newfound responsibilities and freedoms along with ways to deal with any problems they face as a consequence.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Guidance of Young Children Essay -- Elementary Eduacation

My prior understanding of discipline was uneducated and inaccurate. I was certain that discipline was related to punishment and the goal was to have a particular unwanted behavior to cease. A child that required discipline would be singled out, scolded, forced to perform a chore or action, such as sit for a time out, or the child would have something taken away, such as television or toys. As a child, I grew up in a household with parents who were primarily authoritative. They tended to be fair; however they did use punishment through "grounding", which generally meant that we were not able to engage in fun for set period of time. Other times, we were instructed to perform some sort of labor of their choice, such as washing my Dad's car. I rarely misbehaved in school due to the fact that I was extremely shy, so I lacked the need for negative discipline however I can clearly recall other children being told put their heads down, sit in the back of the room or move to the hallway when the teacher would become exhausted with their continuous misbehavior. I became aware that many people including the parents of students still validate these tainted forms of discipline and may require some edification on the behalf of the teacher to discover more appropriate methods of discipline (EDC, personal communication, October 13, 2011). As my education with the childcare field strengthens, I have discovered that guidance is the appropriate method to be used to reach the goal of harmony in the classroom. "Guidance means creating a positive learning environment for each child in the group" (Gartrell, 2004, p. 21) With the use of guidance and a democratic classroom, children feel important and have greater respect for their teacher, whi..., and walking in safe, open areas while also providing children with the ability to safely push, pull, roll, and climb (Marion, 2012, p. 108). Younger children are just developing their gross motor skills and tend to fall or bump themselves, so furniture must be safe and low to the ground. Because the children in a daycare are so young, there is a higher risk of injury if the environment is not accommodating. In a school classroom, the majority children are sturdier, have more advanced gross motors skills, as well as prior knowledge about certain dangers, so while precautions have to be taken, they are not as extreme. Bibliography Gartrell, D. (2004). The power of guidance, teaching social-emotional skills in early childhood classrooms. Belmont, CA: Delmar Marion, M. (2012). Guidance of young children. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Nursing Informatics Essay

On the inpatient units we frequently give continuous heparin dosing. Upon the initial order received from the doctor they order a starting dose rate. The registered nurse is expected to pull up in the patient’s electronic record under orders the protocol that provides guidelines for RN’s to adjust the rate according to the patient’s heparin PTT lab levels. The doctor at times will also order a loading dose or additional loading doses depending upon the lab levels. The heparin PTT is drawn every eight hours to determine  where the dosing rate should be set to determine if the level is therapeutic, sub-therapeutic or critical reading. The nurse must use the computerized electronic record that is interfaced with lab and other ancillary departments throughout the hospital in the patient’s electronic record. This makes providing care to the patient more efficient for all those involved in the patient’s care. The nurse is able to pull the data from the computer to make a decision based on her training to make dosing corrections based on the protocol. The nurse’s wisdom also allows them to call the doctor for critical readings, the knowledge to know when to call the doctor for guidance as needed. The electronic chart also makes available other pertinent data for the nurse to research to make sound decisions based upon the patient’s diagnosis and to know what to look for if the patient has had any recent falls or surgery. In addition the nurse would also be able to complete the nursing assessment and input the data compiled into the electronic record for other medical staff . The template was recently redone with nursing input and the assistance of our informatics nurse. I actually only see advantages to having a singled shared consensus-driven model of terminology. I feel it would be a hindrance and a disadvantage to the healthcare profession if we as nurses did not have a single consensus-driven model of terminology. I moved from Florida to California and since my move I have encountered a wide variety of culturally diverse nurses. It is at times challenging with the language barrier when they have trouble thinking of the term they want to use but will generally remember the proper term. Many completed their initial education and training in their birth countries and if we did not have a single driven terminology it would be disastrous. There are companies in the United States that have recruited nurses to come and work in the states partly due to the shortage of nurses but also many to fill very hard to fill positions such as medical surgical or acute medical units. With the shortage of nurses in the United States and some nurses refusing to work certain areas it has become very challenging to fill these positions in hospitals. Along with this is if one were to travel abroad and required further care when they went home to obtain the chart and the terminology be basically  understood would also be very important to one’s health. This also helps to integrate knowledge into one’s own routine clinical practice since all nurses started from the same basic understanding of terminology, what the problem is with the patient, with the ability to verbalize the care needed along with the implications of the disease process. The other issue to consider is if we had more than one model of terminology it would be very difficult to communicate with other medical staff, i.e.. doctors, radiologist, dentist, etc. Currently we have on board a NIS and he is under the Title 38 classification which belongs primarily to nursing. Even though his job does not involve direct nursing care his primary job is directly related to nursing. The is computerized with computerized charting, templates created for nurses for various forms of documentation, and we also use a bar code medication administration scanner (BCMA). The NIS is involved in the development of new templates, modifications of existing templates, the BCMA’s and determining to what extent we can allow it to be fully used by nurses. For example, the BCMA has the capability to get onto the internet from anywhere in house however, that capability had to be absolved. The ability of having an NIS available to nursing and be a go between with IT is very beneficial for nursing needs on the unit level. The NIS has the capability to understand nursing needs and resolve or find a way to intervene on our behalf. When I went to the Cochrane Collaboration and selected from the drop down list of disorders.

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Decomposition Of Organic Matter By Utilizing Heat Essay

Pyrolysis is the decomposition of organic matter by utilizing heat. Pyrolysis is a chemical test, meaning particles go through a process of being dried by increasing heat to extremely high temperatures which finalize the result for identification or specific findings. Pyrolysis aids in analyzing paint, but other components can be determined through this process. Ultimately, the concept of pyrolysis is that it can be broken down into multiple chemical properties, which also means that the advantage of using this process is versatility. However, sometimes the particles can be too broad or complex for the machine to comprehend. This unique action helps to simplify the complicated matter so that scientists can receive an accurate reading of a material to solve a case. Pyrolysis has been in existing for many years, but people tend to confuse this process with oxidation or combustion. Specifically, in Criminalistics, the primary unit that handles pyrolysis is the Trace Evidence Unit, this unit uses pyrolysis in several different cases such as; accident investigations, evidence collections, hit and run cases, shoe print and tire tracks, traffic accidents, comparative analysis, forensic paint analyses and vehicle identifications (Remy. J). Furthermore, although it has not been presented often, the process of pyrolysis is not new or current. The principals were primarily discovered in 1958 at Bell Laboratories in the United States (Corp. B). The appropriate term for PyrolysisShow MoreRelatedImportance Of Tillage And Its Effects On The Soil Essay1514 Words   |  7 Pagesthe spring growers are itching to till their fields before planting to break up the soil, increase soil temperatures, and dry out the soil. Tillage is also used to help get rid of weeds throughout the growing season and speed up the decomposition time of organic matter. 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